interior konzept system®
The project structure for interiors.
We support customers in the development, design and implementation of interior spaces and interior fittings.
We take care of all relevant project steps and provide our customers with documents on floor plan planning, value-enhancing conversions, interior fittings and furniture so that our customers can concentrate on the essential decisions.
We guarantee the quality of our projects through technically correct planning and support by our federally qualified and federally certified (EFZ) employees.
Through the interior concept system® we accompany our customers to their goal transparently, effectively and successfully.
Interior design office inbyko
interior design office
Holistic interior projects
Remodeling, extending or renewing spatial structures
(Walls, floors, ceilings and doors)
and fittings
(kitchens, bathrooms, stairs, closets)
Utilizing and designing the interior
Furnishing, furnishing and decorating apartments and houses (colours and materials)
interior design
| interior concept system®
Die Projektstruktur für unsere Kunden und Bauherren.
project process
Interior design office inbyko